Pool Water Maintenance

There’s More Than Just Chlorine

There have been many improvements to pool equipment and maintenance systems over the last few years, many of which are beneficial to both homeowners and the environment we live in. We can help you plan out the most efficient and lowest maintenance system!

Simple changes, like adding a UV or Ozone system to your existing installation, will significantly reduce your chemical maintenance and improve the look and feel of your water.

With the wide range of options to choose from, you really can spend less time maintaining your pool and more time enjoying it!

Modern pool equipment can take the drudgery out of pool maintenance.

Modern pool equipment can take the drudgery out of pool maintenance.

Salt Water Purification Systems

Salt water purification systems are a popular choice for many pool owners looking to reduce their regular maintenance and improve the comfort of their pool water. These are really the two biggest benefits of a salt water system: eliminating the need to handle and store chlorine pucks and shock products, as well as conditioning the pool water so that it is more comfortable for your eyes and skin.

A salt water system works by using electrolysis to convert common salt (sodium chloride or NaCl) into hypochlorous acid (HCIO), and sodium hypochlorite (NaClO), which are highly effective sanitizers. The system will also eliminate the build-up of chlorine byproducts in the water, the compounds created after chlorine does its job. These compounds are the culprit behind the smell and irritation swimmers associate with chlorine. The salt is added directly to the pool water and maintained anywhere from 1200-4000 ppm depending on the brand and type of system you employ. This is less than half as salty as your tears and also less than one tenth the salinity of ocean water. One of the main reasons people enjoy swimming in salt water pools is the softer feel of the water and reduced irritation of skin and eyes, which is partly to do with the salt content but mainly a result of the elimination of chlorine byproducts.

You can use your salt water chlorinator to both regularly sanitize your pool as well as superchlorinate (or “shock”) the water as needed. The amount of chlorine generated by the salt water system should be kept within the 1-3ppm range, the same as if you were using other forms of chlorine to sanitize the water. Since you would normally need to manually add chlorine to your pool via pucks, liquid or powder, having a salt water chlorinator means you do not have to store or handle chlorine products. You will still need to test your water on a weekly basis to make sure your chlorine, pH, alkalinity and stabilizer levels are in the ideal range and adjust them as necessary, which will still require an occasional trip to your pool supplier.

It is very important that pool owners keep their water balanced to preserve the life of the cell inside their salt water chlorinator. In our region, the ground water is very high in calcium and has a high pH. This combination makes it more likely for scale to form in your pool equipment, causing it to fail prematurely. Also note that allowing pH to drop too low in a salt water pool will accelerate corrosion of metals, which includes pump parts, heaters and also the steel wall of vinyl liner pools. For the benefit of all of your pool equipment, maintain your pH between 7.2-7.8 and add a stain and scale control product to the water weekly.

There are many different brands of salt chlorinators on the market, so when looking to purchase one for your pool be sure to do some research. Some systems are more user friendly than others and offer better diagnostics and serviceability. Different units will also require different salt content – lower salt levels will be easier on your equipment and better for steel-wall vinyl liner pools.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that salt water chlorinators make a pool “maintenance-free”. You will still need to test your water on a weekly basis, balance and maintain your pH and alkalinity, add stabilizer and stain and scale products, add salt when needed, as well as perform maintenance on the salt cell itself. Expect to spend about the same amount of money on your pool with a salt system as you would without one – the cell life of most units is between 3-5 years, after which you will need to replace the cell.

UV Purification Systems

A UV system utilizes a UV-C bulb to effectively eliminate microorganisms from your pool water. It is a device that is plumbed into your pool lines similarly to a chlorinator or salt water system, but does not add or dispense anything into the water as it passes through it. This technology has a proven history of use in the treatment of drinking water, both residentially and commercially. It is a newer product to the pool industry that is gaining in popularity.How does it work?

As the pool water circulates through the UV device, it is exposed to UV-C light produced by one or more UV-C bulbs housed within. This form of light will disrupt the DNA of any bacteria, viruses, spores, microorganisms and algae, which will render them harmless and unable to multiply. The light is also effective at destroying chlorine byproducts from the water, thus eliminating the smell and irritation commonly associated with chlorine pools.

Do I still need to use chemicals in my pool?

Yes, you will still need to maintain a low level of chlorine in your pool water to ensure it is 100% sanitized. Many pool owners report that they have reduced their chlorine use by 50-70%. The great thing about UV systems is that as long as your pool pump is circulating, your UV system is operating and working to keep your pool clean, so you are less likely to experience algae blooms if your chlorine levels get too low.

What are the advantages of UV over Salt Water chlorinators?

UV systems allow pool owners to maintain lower chlorine levels than salt systems.
UV systems requires less physical maintenance than a salt system – no regular cleaning of the unit required, no salt levels to maintain.
UV systems are less effected by water chemistry that salt cells.
UV is less expensive initially to install than a salt system, and has much lower long term maintenance costs.
UV does not add anything to the water, so pH and alkalinity levels are less likely to fluctuate over time.

What maintenance is involved?

You will need to replace the UV-C bulb(s) after around 13,000 hours of use. If you run your pool pump 24 hours per day, 6 months of the year, expect to replace the bulb every three years or after 18 months of usage.


What is an Ozonator?Ozonators are an electronic device you can install on your pool to help purify your water and reduce your chemical maintenance. A pool ozonator works by turning oxygen into safe and powerful ozone — the same type of ozone that is found in the upper atmosphere to protect us from harmful UV rays. When ozone mixes with your pool water, it is highly effective at oxidizing wastes from the water, including bacteria, viruses, algae, oils, human fluids, fungus, chlorine byproducts like chloramines, and some metallic elements. This potent oxidizer combines with contaminants so rapidly that it usually exists in pool water only a very short time, leaving nothing behind but ordinary oxygen (O2).

Do I still need to use chemicals if I install an ozonator?

You will still need to maintain a very low residual level of chlorine in your pool water, which will ensure that your pool is 100% safe for swimming. Using an ozonator can reduce your need for chlorine sanitizers anywhere from 60-90%. It will also allow you to go longer periods between shocking your water, since the ozonator is oxidizing the wastes from the pool. You will also need to maintain balanced water by adjusting pH and alkalinity as necessary, but your water chemistry will not fluctuate as frequently if you are not adding as much chlorine and shocking compounds to the water.

What are the benefits of installing an ozonator on my pool?

Ozone systems are easy to install on any type of pool, and require no regular maintenance. The electrodes are typically designed to last about 15,000 hours (20 consecutive months – about 5 years of running it 24 hours a day, four months of the year)

  • Ozone is simple and natural. Once installed, it purifies the pool automatically.
  • Ozone kills dangerous organisms on contact.

Ozone kills up to 99.99% of harmful bacteria and viruses on contact, including dangerous organisms like cryptosporidium that chlorine cannot readily kill within a reasonable amount of time.

  • Ozone helps to keep pool water clear and sweet smelling.

Ozone oxidizes iron, sulfur, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide. Ozone is a front line defense against cloudy pool water, and its only byproduct, ordinary oxygen, also helps make water sparkle.

  • Ozone is 200 times more powerful than chlorine as an oxidizer of organic materials.
  • Ozone reduces the need for harsh chemicals greatly.
  • Ozone oxidizes oils like suntan lotion and cosmetics.
  • Ozone oxidizes human fluids