Thanks For Visiting At The Dixie Classic Fair!

We had a great time in Winston-Salem, in spite of the rain and the wind. We enjoyed seeing everyone and were very pleased with how much you liked our pool!
A message to the kids who came at night to dance and play after we’d gone home: Don’t worry, you can’t hurt our pool.
To all of you who are interested in having a Magic Pool in your yard, give us a call and we’ll honor the fair special: 802-242-4511
We have a couple of local installers, namely Andrew Lankford of Andrew’s Landscaping. You can see our pool again in King, NC at the fairgrounds on October 25, 2015. Come and meet Andrew!

A quiet start to the Dixie Classic Fair in Winston-Salem, NC.

A quiet start to the Dixie Classic Fair in Winston-Salem, NC.

Then it got busy...

Then it got busy…