Trap the Crap
There are basically 3 kinds of pool filters: Cartridge filter, sand filter and the diatomaceous earth (DE) filter. Rated in order of effectiveness in filtering out particulates, leaves, grass and whatever else fell into your pool, DE filters are at the head of the class, grabbing particles as small as 5 microns. Next in line is the cartridge filter, followed by the sand filter.
5 microns is really, really small, almost 11,000th of an inch. The diatomaceous earth is really small too. Be sure and wear a dust mask and goggles when you change the media, ’cause who needs to cough up prehistoric skeletons. That’s what DE is composed of, if you didn’t know, it is the fossilized exoskeletons of diatoms which are an algae, or plankton.
Sand needs no introduction, as it is plentiful everywhere. A sand filter uses the same method of filtration as DE, where the water is pumped at relatively high pressure through the filter medium and comes out cleaner on the other side. They also use the same maintenance regimen, where the filter is periodically (usually every few weeks) backwashed to flush the filtered gunk out, usually into the yard or down a drain if there’s one handy by. Both sand and DE need to be replaced when they are no longer effective and each can be found pretty cheaply.
Standard equipment for the Magic Pool is a Waterway ProClean 100 SF cartridge filter system. Cartridge filters don’t need to run pressures as high as the sand or DE versions, putting less strain on your pump. We find that this is the most popular choice by our customers due to its ease of use. Just remove the filter a couple of times a year, rinse it off and your done. Some people are put off by the recurring cost of buying replacement cartridges, about $100.00 a pop, but with the relatively small volume of water in the Magic Pool, we find that they can easily last several years.
Each has its advantages and disadvantages, so it will be a matter of personal preference for your decision on which filter is best for you.
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